Tuesday 7 February 2012

Just a quick and spontaneous note,

My life is essentially a pile of books right now. Books to read for lectures, books to read for seminars, books to read for essays, books to read for fun...
Yeah, I'm not gonna lie and say doing a degree where you spent most of your time in bed with a book is a hard life, but it sure does keep me busy.

I thought I'd drop in and say hello though, check up on you, make sure you're still with me. I've just polished off an essay on Dracula to hand in tomorrow, then I have another one on Machiavelli to hand in on Wednesday, then after that, I'm all yours... oh yeah, bet you can't wait to hear all about what I've been up to in the last month.

Yup, it totally just hit me this has become a monthly event now, how good was I during the summer holidays? Well, not amazing, but better than I am now.

Anyway, I just typed a decent handful of words without really saying anything, so I'll get to it. The last couple of days have been really busy, but pretty good and I just wanted to chat to you about that before I fill you in on my January.
It snowed this weekend, woohooo! I don't know where you are, if it's not snowed for you, I'm sorry! Snow is York is so much better than Leicester ever was. It came down really quickly, and it was really thick and it's probably going to be knocking around for a while. So yesterday, I walked to G2 in the snow, then I walked into town in the snow, then I walked home from town in the snow. SO MUCH SNOW. So much walking. Aside from the snow, yesterday was really good because I went to two really good services.

At G2, the talk was all about what taking up your cross really means (Mark 8:34-39), it was a tough one, really really challenging because my comfort zone is, well, so comfortable. So I was feeling a little bit overwhelmed by it all, but then I chatted to Garreth and Paul as we walked from G2 to St Mike's in town...

I'm just going to pause for a second, because I don't think you know Garreth or Paul yet? Garreth was one of my cell group leaders last term and is now the guy calling the shots for G2's student Alpha - which I don't think I've told you about yet... spoilers! Paul is a second year at uni who also goes to G2 and lived in Halifax College, which obviously makes him cool. Anyway...

So, we had a good chat about the talk and how people are called to different kinds of mission, along with so many other things to do with kinds of worship and service styles. It was really great to have a chance to have proper conversations with people... yey!

After St Mikes, Paul somehow managed to persuade me to walk home, I don't know how, I normally get the bus. But the three of us had another good conversation about the problems with academic study and particularly for me how far removed studying a book at University is from the general response of the masses.

So two good services and two good conversations. It put me in a pretty good mood for reading about Machiavelli today. Just got to write about him tomorrow...

So Goodnight my lovelies, hope you're all well, much love

P.S things I have recently discovered and would like to share with you:
1. I like red onions
2. Miley Cyrus is actually a decent actor
3. If you let a McFlurry melt, it becomes a pretty good milkshake
4. I have no waterproof shoes

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