Monday 30 April 2012

Cue, emotional break down.

Well hey there, how's life?
It's now summer term, which means exams. With less than a month to go before my first university exam I'm starting to revert back to an Alevel style of panic, but at the same time some really cool stuff is happening.

In my last post I told you about my publishing aspirations, and I've now realised that I've not mentioned Looking Glass for a while. If you've been with me since October you'll know that I joined a society called The Looking Glass Anthology, when I came to York (there's a link over in my about me section if you want to check out the website -->). It's been such a good thing to be involved with, we sit around chatting about submissions each Wednesday evening and it's a brilliant bunch of people. A few weeks before Easter we had elections for positions for Volume Four next year; meet the 2012/13 Deputy Editor of Looking Glass, oh yeahhh. It's so exciting, but also really quite scary because I've only been involved for about six months! I'll let you know how it goes! (Edit: Just realised that I definitely did tack this news onto the end of a blog a month or so ago, I'm very sorry for my lack of original material!)

Other exciting summer term developments include leading a Cell Group for G2. I just got back from my first leaders meeting; before I went I was about 3:1, nervous to excited, but after a really great evening of food, chatting and praying that ratio had totally flipped. G2's been an amazing church to go to since October and I'm looking forward to giving something back and being challenged even more. I'm anticipating some interesting and fresh thoughts entering my posts over the next nine weeks.

Also, related to my evening, I'll give a little shout out to Tom O'Dair, who mentioned tonight that he reads my blog. It's happened a couple of times that people I don't expect follow my posts. It's really great to know that I'm talking to genuine actual people when I'm writing. I've had some people sending me messages about things that I've written about (which I will totally reply to at some point in my life...) and I really enjoy that, I don't want this blog to be completely one way!

So it turns out that the title of this post has been pretty unrepresentative of the content, since I've mostly talked about fun and exciting things, but I probably will be pretty absent from the internet generally over the next month or so because of exams. I do, however, have some books reviews to go up on Goodreads after my YA fantasy binge over Easter (which definitely hasn't reached its conclusion yet, Emily's lent her copy of Eragon to me and I've still got two Trudi Canavan trilogies to go... good luck degree!).

Useful advice I can give you this week would be to go and see Avengers Assemble, it's genuinely brilliant. I saw it in 3D, which I wouldn't necessarily recommend, but it's so exciting and so funny, it absolutely lives up to the hype!

Hope you're all good and not stressing too much over exams/deadlines if you have them.
Happy last day of April, much love xoxo

Edit: Sam pointed out that I forgot to give his token mention in this post. He finished the second year of his degree on Thursday and is coming to stay with me for a week or so next week, no doubt we will just be lazy and I'll have nothing interesting to tell you about his stay, but you never know, we might surprise ourselves and do something worth mentioning. Might.

1 comment:

  1. Only just caught up with this (exams to blame) but it! And Not only due to a personal shout out!

    Don't know how far you are with Eragon but I bought it on a whim when I was much younger, close to when it first came out, and loved it! It is not the most complete fantasy series, but some of the most loveable and definitely the most page turning. I loved all of them, although the third one is a little weaker x
