Sunday 8 January 2012

Worst blogger in the world Part 2: Christmas and NYE.

I started off my Christmas break staying with Sam for a few days, it involved a pretty standard pub quiz at Sam's beloved Pied Bull in Shepshed. I'm not the biggest fan of pub quizzes, but I got the answer to two whole questions - that's a 100% improvement on the last time I was there. Who's proud of me? I also went to the Carol service at Sam's church, which was my second of the year. LOVE the build up to Christmas.

red and gold Christmas tree! :)
Once I got home to Kent, it was the week leading up to Christmas, and I was excited, like a child. I decorated the house with Joey - we made a Christmas playlist on my Spotify and everything room, of course, was colour coded. The following week was a blur of Carol Services, Christingle, an open house at the Vicarage (for which we bought WAY to much food) and then we arrive at Midnight Communion on Christmas Eve. I'd been included in a Secret Santa that some of the girls at Addington church were doing, which in itself was nice enough. Freya got me, but she forgot to bring my present to the midnight service, so the suspense was building. When we got home that night, Santa had a complicated job at our house that night, because my parents had stockings for the three of us, then Joey and I co-ordinated the stockings for my parents and my grandparents.

But it was all okay on Christmas morning, everyone had the right stocking. We all then headed off to different Christmas services depending on our preferred church of the four, it was somewhat chaotic. As Freya arrived in Addington church, her face dropped when she saw me; she'd forgotten my present again - more suspense. So after the service Freya took me back to her house to pick up the present, then dropped me back at the Vicarage. Present opening then ensued. The present highlights for me were; a butterfly cake tin, the Costa coffee syrup set, a vegetarian cookbook, the Wii from Sam and Freya had made me a collage of photos from the summer. That was really nice, because it's good to know that I've been around for enough memories for a collage to be made. Woohoo.
Me and Joey on Christmas Day :)

Our Christmas dinner kind of began at 2 and finished at around 8.30, because we had starter, but because of the hectic morning, the main course was due to be at six. I know it's normal at Christmas to make way to much food, but we had a roast turkey, a roast ham, a side of salmon and a salmon wellington. There were only seven of us! Main course was followed by Doctor Who and then dessert was followed by Downton Abbey. All in all, it was a pretty extended festive experience.

Boxing day involved two pub trips and not much else. The weekend leading up to NYE pretty much just consisted of me reading about the urban development of York in the tenth century. Oh, and a day trip to Calais. Oh yes, in case you thought my family had decided to, I don't know, rest or something crazy like that, we took a day trip to Calais. In all honesty, I slept through most of the morning, but then we went to a cute little French café to have big baguettes. We then continued on to Cité Europe, which is the massive shopping centre in Calais, where we spent hours and took a crepe break. The trip closed with a quick stop in a massive French supermarket, where we stocked up on all the French cheese, chocolate, biscuits and alcohol that we love and made our way back to Kent. Mental, always mental.
NOM NOM. Chocolate and ice cream Crepe.

Twister Chaos :)
Not much happened then until New Year's Eve, which I spent with Joey at the Hodge's house in West Malling. It was a pretty good night, sat around getting to know everyone better. We also played some shortlived games of Articulate and Twister, apparently they're not the kind of games people have the attention/ability span for on New Year's. After the big count down, Sam rang me - he was at a party in Shepshed. Despite being told to bring some, I had a distinct lack of bedding, so Lizzie found a large pile of blankets for me to make use of. In the pile I struck gold, a snuggie - y'know, one of those blankets that has sleeves? Well, I loved that, so I walked around in it for the rest of the night and fell asleep in it. This love affair will become relevant in my next post. OOOH, spoilers!

We're nearly caught up now guys!
Much love xoxo

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